November Schedule
Tuesday November 1: PTO Meeting- CES Library 6:15pmWednesday Nov 2: School Banking/Store during lunch
Thursday Nov 3 Lemoncellos Library Olympics if attending please send your form back by today
Wednesday Nov 9 &Thursday Nov 10: Book Fair: Parent shopping time Thursday night from 5pm to 8pm
Thursday Nov 10: Lemoncello’s Library Olympics 6:30pm
Wednesday Nov 16: School Banking/Store during lunch
Friday Nov 18 Box Tops are due by today to be eligible for this month’s contest
Tuesday Nov 22: Morning Assembly- wear school spirit shirt or class color.
Holiday Bazaar will be here soon
The holiday bazaar is a memorable event for our children at C.E.S. Each child is allowed to shop for their loved ones and purchase presents for only a quarter. The children are genuinely so excited to shop and find treasures for family. They learn the importance of giving and how wonderful it feels.
We need everyone’s help, If you have items such as:
- Coffee cups
- Small home goods
- Candles
- Ties
- Toys in excellent shape
Please only donate items you wouldn’t mind getting back because there is a chance your child might know you have one home just like it. It takes volunteers hours and hours to go through these items to get ready for the holiday bazaar. We have to sort through lots of items that are not in great condition and we end up tossing them. Please save us this step and only donate items in excellent condition. Please box the items up, label it holiday bazaar and leave it by the PTO table located near front door of school.
School Bucks at Colonie Center
Don’t Forget, every time you, your family, and your friends shop at Colonie Center, you can help CES earn points. Save your receipts, and bring them to the Guest Service Desk, located near Five Guys. Its real easy just ask for a school sheet, write Castleton Elementary at the top, total your receipts for each store and mark it next to their name. Hand the sheet in and show your supporting receipts to the Customer Service Rep, they will stamp each receipt and hand them back to you and you are done.
PTO Meetings
The schedule alternates between the first Tuesday and first Wednesday of the month at 6:15 pm in the school library. Next Meeting is Tuesday November 1, 2016
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