Welcome Back!

Hi everyone!  We hope you had a great summer.  The PTO is already gearing up for a busy fall.  
PTO School Store will be held on Wednesday, August 28th from 6:00PM to 7:30PM in the CES Cafeteria. A list of supplies is available here.  

The CES Library will be open on August 28th from 6:00-7:30 during the School Store Night as well. Please join Mrs. Rattner in the library for book exchange, crafts, and ice cream!
The first PTO meeting of the school year will be on Tuesday, September 10th at 6:15 at CES. Free on- site child care is provided. All are welcome and we would love to see the many new parents of CES students.  If your child attends CES, YOU are a member of the PTO!  We always need fresh ideas and volunteers to assist with the many wonderful activities that the PTO sponsors for our children.  Please come and check it out!
Onsite Child Care during Parent Nights at CES-The PTO will be offering on-site child care this year at CES during the Parent Nights on September 11th (K-2nd Parent Night) and September 12th (3rd through 5th Parent Night). Child Care will be available on a first come, first served basis to those families that pre register ONLY. No one will be taken at the door who is not registered. Cost will be $2 per child or up to $5 per family, per night. Only children who are potty trained will be able to attend. Children will be able to do arts and crafts, or play active games in the CES old gymnasium. Babysitting will be available from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
The number of children we can accept will be dependent upon how many volunteers we have. We need parents and/or high school students who are willing to volunteer their time for either of the two evenings. If someone in your family volunteers for one of the two nights for the full 2 hours, your child(ren) can attend at no cost on either or both nights. The funds raised from these two evenings will be used to pay for child care at other PTO events.  
If you would like to volunteer or have questions, please contact Susan Penn at pennsb@nycap.rr.com or Sue Clickner at seclickner@gmail.com .Look for further info/REGISTRATION FORM to come home the first week of school in your child(ren)'s folder.
PTO Fundraising Opportunities
We are always looking for new fundraising opportunities to give our children the best educational experience possible. Some of us work for companies that offer Matching Gift Programs. These are charitable giving programs set up by corporations in which the company matches donations made by their employees to eligible non-profit organizations, such as schools! If your place of employment offers a Matching Gift Program, please consider using that benefit to benefit our school. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kasia at kasiamello@gmail.com

The CES Community Fair will take place on Saturday, September 28th at Castleton Elementary School from 10 PM-3 PM. As always, there are some great events planned:
HUGE silent auction
Bounce house & inflatable Rides like Adrenaline Rush
face painting & GAMES
pony rides
Arts & Crafts
New this year! Pie Eating Contest and Photo Booth with costumes and Photo Lounge
Rain or Shine (inside if raining)
contact: thecespto@gmail.com for more information. 

The Community Fair is the PTO’s major fundraising event. The funds raised from the Fair are used all year to cover costs of assemblies, field trips, free Scholastic books, Family Fun Nights, and more.  This event is only successful if we get all the volunteers we need!  Please look for a packet to come home with additional information and sign up to help in any way you are able.  One hour per CES family is an easy commitment that offers tons in return!!!
