CES Community Fair Planning Meeting
Monday, June 17th at 6:30 in the CES Cafeteria. Free on site child care. Please come to give your ideas in shaping this year's fair! For information, contact Melaney Szklenka at melaneywalt@aol.com or Allison Contento at allison9301@aol.com
CES Faculty Appreciation Luncheon The PTO is currently planning for the CES Teacher/Staff Appreciation luncheon to be held on June 20th at CES. We are asking for your help to recognize and thank the CES teachers and staff with a monetary donation to help purchase the items needed for the luncheon. The committee will be shopping during the next week and we would appreciate receiving your donation on or before Monday June 17th. Please send your donation in an envelope marked CES PTO Attention: Karen Bauer. A suggested donation is $2.00 per student, but any amount is appreciated. If you have any questions, or are interested in helping, please indicate on your envelope or call Karen at 732-2144
CES Agricultural Project (CESAP) Summer Needs CESAP needs volunteers to water, do light weeding and harvest our bounty during the summer months. This is a great opportunity for you and your children to give back and be part of a school wide project. Volunteers can do it for a week at a time, a weekend, etc. Any organization or individual who can help can contact Kathleen Johnson - pye@nycap.rr.com Save the Date! CES Community Fair is September 28, 2013.
Have a great summer!
CES Faculty Appreciation Luncheon The PTO is currently planning for the CES Teacher/Staff Appreciation luncheon to be held on June 20th at CES. We are asking for your help to recognize and thank the CES teachers and staff with a monetary donation to help purchase the items needed for the luncheon. The committee will be shopping during the next week and we would appreciate receiving your donation on or before Monday June 17th. Please send your donation in an envelope marked CES PTO Attention: Karen Bauer. A suggested donation is $2.00 per student, but any amount is appreciated. If you have any questions, or are interested in helping, please indicate on your envelope or call Karen at 732-2144
CES Agricultural Project (CESAP) Summer Needs CESAP needs volunteers to water, do light weeding and harvest our bounty during the summer months. This is a great opportunity for you and your children to give back and be part of a school wide project. Volunteers can do it for a week at a time, a weekend, etc. Any organization or individual who can help can contact Kathleen Johnson - pye@nycap.rr.com Save the Date! CES Community Fair is September 28, 2013.
Have a great summer!
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