The Vice President
The Vice President shall act as an aid to the President and shall perform the duties of the President, in their respective order, in the absence of the President. The vice president has 3 main responsibilities: upkeep and continual revisions of the list of chairpersons for CES PTO events, submitting building use applications for all PTO events, and sharing the responsibility of decorating the CES PTO bulletin board. (time commitment is approximately 9-14 hours monthly)
The Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of the organization and of the executive committee; shall maintain a permanent file of the minutes, committee reports, and other necessary records pertaining to the work of the organization; shall keep a copy of the by-laws. The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of all PTO documents distributed during the PTO calendar year. A notebook should be maintained of attendance at meetings, agenda’s, committee meeting agendas, and all handouts, programs, etc. used during events, when possible. (time commitment is approximately 5-9 hours monthly)
You don't need to have experience with the PTO....anyone can be on the PTO board!! Parents of CES students who are in the earlier grades are encouraged to volunteer. Most of the current active PTO members have children who are leaving CES next year. We need new parents!!
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