The CES Transportation Appreciation Breakfast will be held on Friday, May 16th in the CES cafeteria for the Schodack School District Transportation staff. This is a breakfast sponsored by the CES PTO each year to thank our bus drivers and all other transportation staff for safely transporting our children each day to and from school and other district events.
We are seeking breakfast items from CES families. Juice, coffee cakes, muffins, fruits, egg dishes, and any other breakfast item you can offer would be greatly appreciated! If you can donate a store bought or home made breakfast item, please contact Deb Charlebois as soon as possible at
Deb could also use 2-3 helpers that morning to serve. Help is needed from 7:30 am to about 10:00 am.
SAVE THE DATE-look for detailed information to come home with students soon:
CES Scholastic Book Fair will be held on May 14th through 16th. Buy one, get one free.
CES Lip Sync Event on Friday, May 9th at 6:00 PM at MHHS Auditorium
CES Kindergarten and First Grade Read-In is Friday, May 16th at 6:30. Evening Scholastic Book Fair from 5:00 to 8:00
Strawberry Festival on Tuesday, May 20th from 5:00 to 8:30 at MHHS during the district school budget vote and board of education election.

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