PTO Fundraising Programs

How can I help the CES PTO earn extra money?

You can help our school all year round by participating in the following programs. Every little bit helps!

General Mills Boxtops for Education: Get the specially marked box top off of General Mills products; each one is worth ten cents. It really does add up! Save and send them into school. Put them in baggies or envelopes in groups of 50. There are also easy clipping sheets online. Send them into school, or drop them in the PTO mailbox in the lobby. Don’t forget to save them this summer and bring them to school in September! Click here for more information.

Hannaford Helps Schools Program: Starting in the fall, shop at Hannaford, buy selected participating products, and earn cash for our school. CES can use these 'school dollars' to purchase sports equipment, art supplies, computers, books, musical instruments and more. At check-out, you will receive a receipt that states the dollar amount that you have earned for CES. You can either drop your receipts in the box at the front of the store marked CES, or send them to school with your child. If you would prefer to send them to school with your child, please label the envelope “Hannaford Helps”. In the meantime save those receipts! 

Price Chopper Tools for Schools: Register your Price Chopper AdvantEdge card and earn points that are redeemed for products used in our gym, art room, music room, and library. You can register your AdvantEdge card for CES (using our School Code of 15721) at Once you register, when you shop at Price Chopper and use your Price Chopper AdvantEdge Card, CES will automatically receive credit towards free educational equipment. This costs nothing and does not interfere with credits you are earning for any other shopping promotion at Price Chopper.


Amazon Smile – Help earn money for the CES PTO when you shop on Amazon! Go to and select or change your charitable organization to Castleton Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization. *Note that you must shop on Amazon through the Amazon Smile site in order for the school to earn money.

Instead of clipping, checking expirations dates and the coordinator bundling and submitting them, all Box Tops will be earned digitally via receipt scanYou’ll now download the Box Tops app, register and select CES for your school, and then scan an eligible receipt containing Box Tops products.  We’ll continue to earn 10 cents for each Box Tops product purchased plus extra earnings for any Bonus Box Tops opportunities.  The app will automatically add Box Tops to our school’s earnings online and you will have access to how you are supporting our school in real-time.

You’ll see some participating brands begin to change their packaging from a physical Box Tops clip to the new Box Tops icon (pictured above).  With thousands of products and hundreds of brands, this will take some time, but that will be the eventual direction of the program.  Box Tops will continue to honor all physical clips until they reach their expiration dates, so keep clipping and sending in any physical Box Tops that you come across

Box Tops for Education has been a very successful program at CES over the years. We hope everyone will embrace these changes and help CES earn even more money for our students and school. Simply scan your grocery receipt and your Digital Box Tops will be automatically “clipped” for you! Thank you 

for your support! 
